Friday, March 28, 2008

loving this

Sorry I haven't blogged much of late. it seems that I moved from Observer at the onset, to Commentator for a spell, and now to Experiencer. I have ben in love with Africa of late and doing my best to just live here for the moment. Rather than observe from a distance or distance myself mentally, I've been feeling involved. Today, as I strolled through the streets of Mbeya, stalk of sugar cane in my hand, biting/chewing/spitting like a local, I felt a sense of belonging.

I love the smell of the heavy rains, I still adore the fruit trees, I think the language beautiful, I appreciate the constant "Hello my friend", and that people remember by name after three weeks absence. And the sunsets here are amazing EVERY DAY! How can you have jaw-dropping sunsets every day? Shouldn't I be used to it by now? No! Each day at 6:30 I stop in my tracks and stare open-mouthed upward, usually turning slowly in an anti-clockwise circle with eyes wide open. The locals walk around me and probably think i'm one of the funniest mazunga that ever seen. But their laughter is never derisive. Even when i stumble through my pitiful pronouciation, it is laughter of joy.

I took a daladala (minibus) out to the train station to purchase onward travel back to Dar Es Salaam. you should see this station! It's beautiful. L.B., you would especially appreciate the art deco geometry. I don't know if this station ever catered to the bustling crowd it was built to hold but the building's presevation in it's current state of twice-weekly service is stunning. I then even managed to flag down the correct daladala for return travel. i was extremely proud of being able to handle this transaction entirely in kiswahili. Go me!!

On another note, Malawi is a very narrow country so there's really only one north-south road. All of us backpackers, therefore, travel along the same route which led to the pleasant surprise of sharing a minbus with the Canadian couple (Mathew and Lesley) from Arusha (see earlier post). We banded together to negotiate prices (having to argue to pay what we agreed to at the start of the trip, not some made-up number presented half way along); we compared travel and told stories; we learned from each other's mistakes.

They also showed be a lovely hotel (hot shower and TV in my room, clean double bed, rooftop terrace for $7) and a restaurant serving some of the best food I've had in the whole country.

Anyway, back to the beginning, i have not been relaying my stories because i've been too busy living them. this may be unfortunate for those of you looking for new posts to distract you at work, but fortunately it means I'll have more stories to tell on my return.

Speaking of...after a brief moment thinking about surprising you all by returning home unannounced, I've relented and am pleased to say I'll be home May 4th. homecoming party invite to follow...


appleshampooID said...

I do miss the stories Josh, but I'm looking forward to hearing more when you get home!

Guenevere said...


Isobel and I made an aquarium today while it snowed in Portland . . . "loving this" is what I was thinking too. Thanks for the update. GB